Please Consider Supporting Chinese Church Voices

Haven’t done an extensive search of the internet for this kind of web page. So far, I think this might be the only one doing this kind of work. Keep up the good work Chinese Church Voices!

Chinese Church Voices

Picture1 editChinese Church Voices is a publication of ChinaSource that allows readers to listen in on conversations taking place within China’s online Christian community. Through the translated articles posted here, we get to hear directly from ordinary Christians and church leaders in China regarding the issues that they are facing.

An initial grant from a foundation allowed us to create and launch the project. Now we are looking for additional donors and partners to help us keep the project going. Would you consider joining us?

We are looking to raise $28,000 by the end of November to position Chinese Church Voices to continue monitoring, translating, and posting the online writings of Chinese Christians.

Would you consider a donation to help get more articles translated?

You can make a donation online at the ChinaSource website.


In case you are new to this site and have missed some of the previous posts, here…

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